While we appreciate that everyone has an opinion on the very touchy subject of Global Warming and while we are not of a mind to start preaching our own beliefs at anyone. We did think however that as a new company slowly making its way into the world-wide marketplace, that we should point out what we are doing to as we term it “act responsibly”. As we here at Duke The Label are keen to do our bit to hopefully improve the planet in our own small way and failing that to at least not make it any worse.
It’s a sad fact that when it comes to protecting the environment the fashion and clothing industry doesn’t have a particularly good track record or even a reputation for doing the right thing. In fact the fashion industry is currently being branded on “Wikipedia” as the combined second biggest polluter of the environment, with particular reference towards its affect upon the rising levels of air, water and soil pollution it causes. The fashion industry is reckoned to be responsible for around 10% of the worlds current levels of carbon emissions.