This quick Winter Warmer Breakfast recipe will keep you full of energy throughout these colder months! 


1 1/2 cup almond milk (any milk of choice)
1 1/2 bananas
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 tsp chia seeds
Sprinkle cinnamon sugar
Honey, to serve

1. In a small saucepan over a low heat add the milk.
2. Add the oats.
3. Take the one full banana and mash it with a fork. Add this into the milk in the saucepan.
4. Add the chia seeds and cinnamon sugar and stir until the consistency thickens.
5. Once it has thickened, pour into a serving bowl.
6. Top the mixture with the other half of the banana and drizzle with honey. Serve warm!

The perfect go to breakfast this winter.